MVClub membership programme is designed to provide customers with additional benefits and rewards for their loyalty.
Embark on an elevated shopping experience by joining our exclusive membership program. Unlock a world of benefits and privileges by becoming a member today. Sign up is easy – simply make a minimum spend of Rs. 3,999 in a single order, either online or at our physical store. Gain access to special discounts, early access to new collections, personalized recommendations, and much more. Elevate your style and enjoy the perks of membership with us. Don’t miss out, join now!
- Exclusive Discounts: Members often enjoy exclusive discounts on products, either on a regular basis or during specific sales events. These discounts can be applied online or at the physical store.
- As a valued member of our exclusive programme, you’ll enjoy a minimum 2-5% discount on MRP on all your orders. Whether you’re shopping online or in-store, this discount is applicable to every purchase you make. It’s our way of showing appreciation for your membership and loyalty. So go ahead and explore our wide range of products, knowing that you’ll always receive a minimum 2-5% off on MRP as a member. Start saving today!
- The above mentioned discount of upto 5% is not applicable on special discounts during ongoing sales, promotions, festive & any other existing offers.
- Early Access: Members may have early access to new product launches, limited-edition collections, or sale events. This allows them to shop before the general public, increasing their chances of securing the desired items.
- Free Shipping: MVClub membership programme provides free shipping on all orders, above Rs.499. This can be a valuable benefit for frequent online shoppers as the free shipping ceiling limit for non member customers is above Rs.999.
- Birthday Rewards: MVClub often celebrates members’ birthdays by offering special discounts, gifts, or bonus rewards during their birthday month.
- Newsletter and Updates: Membership programmes usually include regular newsletters or email updates to keep members informed about new arrivals, promotions, and events.